
LLVM’s IR Core Concepts - Values, Registers, Memory


There are three key abstractions on top of which LLVM IR is built: values, registers and memory.


In LLVM IR, a Value is a piece of data described by a type. For example, the Value 42 of type 32-bit integer is written i32 42. This notion is so important that we will be writing Value with a special font to emphasize that this definition is being used.

There are two places where Values may live: in a register or in memory.


A register is an entity that holds exactly one Value. Values are placed into registers through instructions; once a register is assigned a value, its Value - and also its type - never changes. As such, we say that a register is defined when it is assigned a value.

A register will have a “size” big enough to hold its Value regardless of the Value’s type; for example, a register may hold a single integer or even an entire array.

Registers have names, and we use their name to access the underlying Value. Any name starting with the % symbol is the name of a register. For example: %0, %hi, %___ are all register names.

The exact name of a register carries no semantic meaning in the program, therefore registers may be renamed at will.

When working with LLVM IR, we have access to infinitely many registers.

In this definition of registers, we see why the IR is in this intermediate state of being a lower level abstraction, but not too low level; the concept of a register is in itself a low level idea, but IR registers are infinite, may have arbitrary sizes, and have a type, all of which are ideas of higher-level languages.


Memory is a sequence of bytes, each of which has an address. Addresses, also known as pointers, are Values and therefore may be placed into a register. The type of an address is ptr.

Values are typically moved from or to memory using loads or stores.

In this characterization, memory is just a sequence of bytes. Memory does not hold information about the types of Values that were previously stored in it; it is how we use memory addresses that give meaning (a type) to a sequence of bytes. We will come back to this when we talk about instructions.

Registers have Names, Memory has Addresses

Note the difference in the definition of registers and memory: registers have names but not addresses (registers are not memory locations). Memory does not have names, it only has addresses.

This is a core principle, so excuse the repetition: to access a Value inside a register, we use the register’s name; to access a Value in memory, we use its memory address, which may be placed into a register.


Having defined Values, registers, and memory, we’re now ready to talk about instructions.

An instruction is an operation that may have Values as input, may define a register as output, and may modify state in a program (like writing Values to memory). Each instruction has semantics describing the expected input, the produced output and changes it makes to the program state (“side effects”).

Here’s an example instruction:

  %result = add i32 10, %two

Its inputs are i32 10 and %two, the latter being a register defined previously. Its output is %result, which is a new register definition. The add instruction sums the Value i32 10 and the Value inside register %two, placing the resulting Value into %result.

LLVM’s type system is very strict, so the add instruction requires both operands to be Values of the same type; this is statically checked, and the IR is invalid otherwise. In our example, the type of i32 10 is spelled out explicitly; to find the type of %result, we would need to check the instruction that defined it. This is made possible because registers are defined once and never allowed to change, so there is exactly one instruction defining that register.

Instructions can also interact with memory:

%address = alloca i32
store i32 %result, ptr %address

The alloca i32 instruction allocates enough memory to contain an i32 Value. It returns a Value corresponding to the address of that memory location, and that Value is placed in the register named %address. What is the type of this Value? It is a pointer type: ptr. While we haven’t yet talked about Functions, the memory allocated by an alloca is automatically freed when the Function exits.

The second instruction, store i32, does not produce a Value. It takes the memory address in the register %address, an integer in the register %result, and stores the integer into that memory location.

Memory Does Not Have a Type!

Recall this paragraph from our memory definition:

Memory does not hold information about the types of Values that were previously stored in it; it is how we use memory addresses that give meaning (a type) to a sequence of bytes.

In the case of the store i32 instruction, it interprets the input address as a memory region containing a Value of type i32. In other words, the store instruction gave meaning (a type) to that address.

If you’re using a version of LLVM prior to April 2022, you may see pointer types that carry a “base type” with them, like i32*. These are being phased out, soon there will only be ptr.

Up Next

In the next post, we will see how a program - functions and global variables - is structured in LLVM’s IR!